Saturday, 30 December 2017

Kalender Puasa 2018

Kalender Puasa 2018

Dari Abu Hurairah ra., bahwa Nabi shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda:

Demi Dzat yang jiwa Muhammad berada di tangan-Nya, sesungguhnya bau mulut orang yang berpuasa lebih harum di sisi Allah pada hari kiamat daripada bau misk atau kasturi. Dan bagi orang yang berpuasa ada dua kegembiraan, ketika berbuka mereka bergembira dengan bukanya dan ketika bertemu Allah mereka bergembira karena puasanya.”

(HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)

Maka saya hadiahkan, terutama untuk diri sendiri, saudara dan saudariku sebagai pengingat Kalender Puasa 2018 yang dapat diunduh di

Versi bahasa Indonesia



English Version



Semoga Allah memberikan kemudahan dan menerima semua amal ibadah kita. Tiada daya dan upaya melainkan dari Allah. Silakan untuk disebarkan kepada keluarga dan kerabat.

Jazakumullahu khairan katsiran.


1. Kalender ini hanya sebagai perkiraan. Jika di kemudian hari terdapat selisih tanggal, harap menyesuaikan dengan penanggalan yang sesuai.

2. Korespondensi lebih lanjut, mohon melalui di kolom issues

Muslim Fasting Calendar 2018

Muslim Fasting Calendar 2018

The Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him, said :

By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, the smell coming out from the mouth of fasting person is better in sight of Allah than the smell of musk. (allah says about the fasting person), “He has left his food, drink, and desires for My Sake. The fast is for Me. So I will reward (the fasting person) for it and the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times.”

^reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 1894^

So , I present to, especially myself, my brother, and sister as a reminder this Muslim Fasting Calendar 2018 which can be obtained in this repository or simply download at :

English Version



Bahasa Version



May Allah grant us ease to do good deeds and accept our good deeds. There is no power and no strength except with Allah. Feel free to share to relatives and family.

Jazakumullahu khairan katsiran.


1. This calendar is only a prediction. If you find any unmatch date, please adjust with the correct one.

2. If you have issues related to this, please kindly contact me via on tab issues

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Matrix Construction in C++ using Armadillo

Matrix Construction in C++ using Armadillo

As a follow-through of vector, we go on matrix construction. Starting from the definition, matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns. The individual items in an matrix often denoted by or so-called elements, where is row index and is column index.

Because of there is no container for matrix in C/C++ standard library, let’s make our way construction matrix. In C we could use pointer of array or pointer of pointer as follows :

int m = 4, n = 3, i;

// Using pointer of array
int *B[m];
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    A[i] = (int *) calloc(n, sizeof(int));

// Using pointer of pointer
int **B = (int **) calloc(m, sizeof(int *));
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    B[i] = (int *) calloc(n, sizeof(int)); 

Vector Construction in C++ using Armadillo

Vector Construction in C++ using Armadillo

A collection of data in a row (or column) which may be summed together, multiplied by number, and having the same type (for instance real number, integer, complex number, float) is called vector. In programming, we tend to be familiar with array. Either in mathematics or programming, vector is accessed using index. For example, assume we have a vector that comprise , , , and so forth. Alternatively,

Monday, 14 August 2017

FFTW3 : C++ Implementation on MATLAB/OCTAVE Perspective

FFTW3 : C++ Implementaion on MATLAB/OCTAVE Perspective

I used to code using MATLAB and OCTAVE for my signal processing research. But, when it comes to real implementation and performance, I always stop and wonder how to make my concept coded in C/C++. Moreover, my MATLAB license is expired. All I need is Fourier Transform because it is the basic operation for signal processing. Then I made research on how Fourier Transform could be done in C/C++. I ended up on Fast Fourier Transform in the West (FFTW). It is considered the best and fastest FFT implementation in C/C++.

In this article, I would like to demonstrate basic forward and inverse transform of monotone signal. Because of we use audo signal in assumption, so this is 1D FFT problem. Well I think this simple example could be an entrance gate for MATLAB and OCTAVE programmers to implement their concepts on C/C++. I hope this article can be helpful for us.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Solving XOR problem using tiny-dnn

Solving XOR problem using tiny-dnn

REVISED August 13th 2017

Almost all mature deep neural network (DNN) libraries e.g. Tensor Flow, Theano, Caffe, and etc are written in python, not in C/C++. We will hardly find library for DNN written in C/C++. Even if we find one, it requires heavy resources. Fortunately, we now have tiny-dnn. tiny-dnn is a C++11 implementation of deep learning. Nothing needs to be compiled, header only. It is suitable for deep learning on limited computational resource, embedded systems and IoT devices.

For new tiny-dnn user, it may hard to get used with the environment because the examples provided are directly designated to solve MNIST or CIFAR problem. On this post, I try to give example to solve simple problem (XOR) using tiny-dnn. It may sound excessive to use DNN framework only to solve XOR problem,. But for the sake of better understanding of framework structure, I think it’s okay to do so.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Indonesian Word to English Equal Phoneme Routine

Indonesian Word to English Equal Phoneme Routine

There are no special rules on how word in Indonesia should be converted into phoneme. Mostly , each alphabet in word is phoneme. If we have word cinta, it simply put c+i+n+t+a (Indonesian phoneme) or ch+ih+n+t+aa (English equal phoneme), as phonemes. The exception only applies on diphthong and nasal. Although we have exception, it remains simple. For example word sayang which has nasal ng, could simply be converted into s+a+y+a+ng (Indonesian phoneme) or s+aa+y+aa+ng (English equal phoneme). Or word aura which has diphthong au, could be converted into au+r+a (Indonesian phoneme) or aw+r+aa (English equal phoneme).

Here I write C++ routine to do such job. This routine maybe not the most effective one, but it works though. I design the routine to be able clean the non-necessary characters. Some part of the routine may seem useless. It is because I originally design for many task, but, in the end of the day I left the task to shell script. Number tokenization is not implemented yet. The output of the routine is English equal phoneme.

Persamaan Diferensial : Sebuah Pendahuluan

Persamaan Diferensial : Sebuah Pendahuluan

Persamaan diferensial (Differential equationDE) dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menjelaskan hampir semua fenomena yang kita temui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sebagai contoh, telepon genggam yang kita pakai. Sinyal telepon genggam yang merupakan media transmisi kita dalam mengirim dan menerima informasi, berawal dari persamaan diferensial. Menjelaskan bagaimana planet di tata surya beredar di orbitnya mengelilingi matahari. Atau mengetahui bagaimana berita hoax menyebar di jejaring sosial. Bahkan untuk memahami tingkat penyerapan vitamin C di tubuh kita untuk membantu menangkal dari penyakit atau memahami cepatnya virus influenza penyakit menyebar. Itulah beberapa contoh manfaat persamaan diferensial. Saintis dan insinyur melihat dunia melalui persamaan diferensial. Karena fenomena ilmiah harus terukur dan dijelaskan.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Indonesian Phonemes Relation to English International Phonetics Alphabet

Indonesian Phonemes Relation to English International Phonetics Alphabet

Indonesian phonetic system has a simple pattern compared to English phonetization rule. Most of alphabet Indonesia directly stand to phonetic symbol. The addition for Indonesia phonetic symbol includes nasal (ng, ny), diphthong (ay, aw, ey, and oy), fricative (kh and sy), and so forth. To make a better phonetic system comparison between Indonesia and English, it’s important to have a relation table. Based on [1] and [2] (with some minor change from me in E vowel), the relation table between Indonesia and English is shown in following table 1.

Friday, 6 January 2017

Menulis Cantik dengan Stackedit

Menulis Cantik dengan Stackedit

Menjadi seorang penulis, terutama penulis artikel online, sudah selayaknya kita fokus pada konten yang ingin kita sampaikan kepada pembaca. Namun, kadung asyiknya membuat konten, terkadang kita lupa membuat sebuah tulisan yang enak dibaca secara visual. Apalagi kita harus berurusan dengan formatting html atau command dari editor WYSIWYG yang kita gunakan. Sebagai seorang penggemar (hanya pengguna math display sebenarnya) adalah hal yang wajar menginginkan kecantikan dapat dibawa serta dalam hal online-publishing.

Salah satu solusinya adalah menggunakan Markdown sebuah markup language dengan format syntax yang mudah. Terdapat berbagai macam editor untuk Markdown, namun satu yang menarik adalah StackEdit. Dalam artikel ini akan saya ulas fitur dari Markdown pada StackEdit lengkap dengan contohnya. Berikut daftar konten yang akan kita bahas.

Daftar Isi
1. Tag Header 7. Backslash Escapes
2. Emphasis 8. Tautan
3. Quote 9. Blok Kode
4. List 10. Tabel
5. Gambar 11. Ekspresi Matematika LaTeX
6. Ikon 12. Diagram

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Installing IDLAK Deep Neural Network Text to Speech Synthesizer

Installing IDLAK Deep Neural Network Text to Speech Synthesizer

I was on duty to create text-to-speech (TTS) engine. After researching about the latest technology, the state-of-art of TTS had come to Deep Neural Network (DNN) scheme, instead of insisting on Hidden Markov Model (HMM). The main reason of migrating the scheme in to DNN was just the powerfullness of it.

One of the framework of doing DNN TTS is IDLAK. It was fresh from the oven. Their team had just presented their paper on Interspeech 2016. IDLAK is branch of well-known automatic-speech-recognizer (ASR) engine KALDI.

Here I am documenting the whole steps building the engine.